Our Books

The Histories® presents series serves as a teaching tool to expose young children to history. 
Lovable animal characters coupled with engaging illustrations make these books a
unique learning experience for children young and old.

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Christopher Cowlumbus is about an adventures bovine who sails across the Atlantic Ocean on the Santa Mooria and discovers America all over again in this retelling of the story of Columbus.

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Click to for Sneak Peak!

Michelangelo Bunnyrroti tells the story of an artistic hare who sculpts and paints magnificent works of art in the retelling of the story of Michelangelo Bounarroti.

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Bengalmin Franklin features a scholarly Bengal tiger who made great discoveries and inventions based on the life times of the great thinker, Benjamin Franklin.

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Click to for Sneak Peak!

Lionardo Da Vinci tells the story of an artistic and curious feline who designed and imagined with pleasure and glee and whose inventions paved the way to modern technology .

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Click to for Sneak Peak!

George WashingTON tells the story of a persistent pachyderm who becomes our first president of the United States.


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Click to for Sneak Peak!

Gullileo Galilei is about a sci-entific seagull who studied physics, astronomy and other sciences in this retelling of the story about the famous as-tronomer Galileo Galilei.


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Thomas Owlva Edison tells the story of an creative fowl who invents the first lightbulb


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Thomoose Jefferson is about a story about a mam-malian president who cre-ates new inventions and travels the world.

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Alligator Graham Bell is about a reptilian inventor who creates the first telephone in this retelling of the story of Alexander Graham Bell.


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Wright Brothers is about Wilboar and Boarville Wright. Two brothers who loved to invent things including the airplane.

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Susan Bear Anthony features a determined bear who made great strides in equal rights for all.  

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Vinscent & Pawed features two artists having featuring interest in paintings having different taste in colors.